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Mama Lisa is an ultra legend. Her knowledge of ultra running and her belief in me is what took me from a person who could barely run one mile to an ultra runner who finished the Rio Del Lago 100 mile endurance race.



To achieve a goal you must have the aspiration and the drive to attain it. But it helps to have a fantastic coach to guide you along the way. Coach Mama Lisa Felder has been my ULTRA coach since 2012 when I was initially introduced to trail running. In 2 years' time she's helped me to achieve my ultimate goal of a 100 mile race. She is a coach with an extensive background in trail running who eagerly shares her passion for the trails with her participants. Through care and unrelenting support Mama Lisa encourages individuals to go beyond what they think they are capable of. She is selfless to a fault and has an unconditional love for each and every one of her participants. Without Mama Lisa's guidance and encouragement I could not have achieved what I did in such a short period of time. I feel so fortunate to have been able to work with Mama Lisa Felder and I am forever grateful to her. (Rio Del Lago 100M 2013)



My mentor.. My coach and my dear friend, Mama Lisa.... Thank you for dedicating your life to inspiring greatness in others. I owe today to you first. You are the author of my running story and I am forever grateful! I love you! (Western States 100M 2014)



From the minute I met you I knew you had something rare and covetable, but you were so generous with it I was confused at first. It struck me about half way through our first season together. What you have is a HEART. And lots of it. You quietly encourage us to follow ours and open our minds to it out on the trails. It has taken me to new places, and new levels, within myself. I have learned more about myself, from the inside out, since following your quiet steady lead. You’re an inspiration to many. I know I’ve seen it so many times when runners meet with you on the
trail. But to me it’s personal. You’ve a personal inspiration to me. Your heart, your warmth. Your

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Thank you for teaching me to love and accept people for who they are and where they’re at.  My favorite moment with you this season was actually out of the inspiration brunch when I was worried that I had let you down.  I felt so much love from you and what you said made me feel really great about the season.  I always think of you as a source of inspiration and kindness.  This season has inspired me to create a solid running foundation for the long term.  Cross training, PT and strengthening.  Thanks for teaching me about my body and how to care for it so I can continue with this life-long passion.   



My favorite moments are when Mama Lisa reminds us that ultra-training is “mind over matter”.  I have learned that I am capable of so much more than I think I can. The confidence I have gained is awesome and humbling.  I have taken this mindset and applied it to my everyday life.



Thank you for giving me faith and encouragement to do “this Damn Thing.” I’ve never run any distance
longer than 3 miles before this ultra training group. Now have run 20 miles, 26 miles 28 miles and next
week will run a real 50K ultra Marathon. I also want to thank you for the personal call during my IT band issue and all the advice given. You are a real inspiration to us all and personally. I am now a runner. No, an Ultra runner!

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Before this season, I had rarely spoken with you in my previous four TNT seasons. But during this
season, not only have I been speaking with you more often, but I’ve learned you have more than a
coach. You have been both a confidante and my second mother!
Thank you for instilling confidence in me during the many times this season that I doubted that I could
do this damn thing! Through all my challenges, I’ve developed a sense of pushing through the tough
times where accept what I can and cannot do.
I will take all this moving forward in future endeavors…to keep battling but accepting what I can
do….and being happy with it.



My favorite Mama Lisa moment from the year was when she greeted us before the start of the Western States training run. There was just something about her “Good morning Ultras!” that really shared her passion for us as a team.
There one thing I really learned from Mama Lisa this season was how to tape. I never really used to tape before so now I’m hooked.
This season has pushed one to never go back to road running again (except for NYC in 2012). Thank you
Mama Lisa



Mama Lisa. The world Best Coach!
Thank you so much for being such an inspiration. You’re an amazing woman. I learned so much from
you those past 6 months. Mostly, I am grateful to you for your dedication to this little rag-tag team of runners. You always have just the right advice and words of encouragement. You knew how much were hurting and it was okay because it was ok with you. That didn’t come out very well but I think you know what I’m trying to say.
2011 will go down as one of my best years because you and everyone else on this team came into my life.



I have been running since I was 43 and began running one marathon a year at 50. I love to run! But I could not seem to Boston Qualify! I met Mama Lisa of Ultra Fitness Beyond Imagination, who is an amazing coach. I began training with her in April of 2017. I learned so many new things and ran my fastest 5k and qualified for Boston beating my qualifying time by 12 minutes! Couldn't do that on my own. Thanks so much Coach Mama Lisa!



I met Mama Lisa in 2003 when I decided to get up from my couch and run a marathon. I started from rock bottom and never thought it possible for me to run a 5K let alone a marathon. Enter Mama Lisa - she is more than a coach. She provides encouragement and mentorship and shows genuine interest in your physical, mental and spiritual well-being through the art of distance running. Love you, Mama Lisa and grateful for your inspiration!



As a fellow multi marathoner, I have always admired Lisa and her ability to motivate individuals to reach far beyond their self-perceived abilities.  With her 300+ marathons and 110+ ultra runs, there is no one like her who is still running and training other with the passion of a 20 year beginner



During Tahoe Rim camp of 2013, I met a wonderful group of people from the bay area who adopted me to their ultra-team. I felt a special connection with them from day one.  Tahoe Rim would be my third attempt.  Then the group told me about Mama Lisa’s program.  I decided to contact Mama Lisa Felder and asked if she would allow me to train with her group even if I was a couple of KM’s away. We talked at length and as a blessing, Mama Lisa agreed to train me for Tahoe 2014.This is how my training history begins and ended at Tahoe Rim50 mile race which turned out to be a great achievement on July 19.


Mama Lisa, thank you for training me. Without your guidance and support this wouldn’t be possible. You helped me to understand and comprehend many things. Your words of encouragement and confidence gave me not only physical strength but mental strength as well. This was the key needed to complete Tahoe Rim 50 mile race.  Mama Lisa you’re the BEST!



At the young age of 65, I evolved from being a 3 mile runner to a multiple marathon runner all with the help of Lisa’s training program.  Each run was customized to my ability and challenged me to become mentally and physically stronger.  At the same time I was working on my personal health, I was working on the health of my community through Team In Training.  Lisa helped me take steps to reach my goals that I did not see as possible on my own.

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My favorite Mama Lisa moment was during our last long run and so I had been running alone.  I felt like I might be lost, it was somewhere around mile 21 or 22, and I felt like giving up, I turned around the corner and there was Mama Lisa with a big smile.  You really helped me keep my spirit up when I was so tired and it was the perfect moments!  Your timing is impeccable!  This training season has taught me not to be afraid and that I can do anything I set my mind to!  I will carry that with me in all that I do.



What I have learned from Mama Lisa is to go forward if you have a passion to accomplish goals.



There are so many favorite moments I have shared with you over the last 3 years. What I cherish the most is being able to come to you and listen to your relationship advice. The time we’ve spent on the phone is so far and few in between but love every single time we have those conversations. You’ve inspired me with all of the strength you showed last year when you were not only coaching the first
season of ultra but also dealing with breast cancer. You are an amazing woman and the most uplifting woman I’ve ever met. I know we haven’t been able to talk much lately but always know that I love you so much,

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I liked the preview run for the season. She had such a very positive attitude and even helped me love the run down a rocky hill. Before the preview, I was very hesitant and undecided whether to join ultra. Running (or should
I say walking), with Mama Lisa sealed my decision to join



My favorite moment was when I was down, Mama Lisa was always there for me; patience and with a
smile. I am a very fortunate woman knowing her. She is the best coach and friend I’ve ever met. I love you
Mama Lisa.

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What have I learned from such a wonderful coach Mama Lisa! She taught me that my perceived
limitations can be beaten and exceeded; that I’m capable of doing so much more. She showed me how much a positive attitude can help my outlook and how much beauty there is running all the trails! I know that I have a deeper appreciation for running in particular trail running. With this appreciation I know that, I’ll go out to explore trails and to keep running. 



When I think of Mama Lisa, some words that come to my mind are: wisdom, intrepid, sincere, selfless,
encouraging, respect, proven performance, wow…. Mama Lisa, sure I learned details about what is necessary to run ultra-distance, but mostly you served as a priceless, real world example for me of how to harness the good energy, and deal with the bad, regardless of the circumstances. I think that’s the core of ultra-running. It’s way easier said than done, and you bring it for real. And you’re cut as a dang button. See ya on down the old dusty trail

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